Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ground Tackle Revisited

After having been put aground once because of ground tackle failure, I was determined it wasn't going to happen again, so I modified the bow to add structural strength.

As it was.


I filled in an area with West System with High Density.


And then put the toe rail back (Plasteak) and new cleats.


Then, I called a fabricator friend of mine to have a proper bowsprit fabricated and installed.


A new wench and chain stop.


After all that, I added 100 feet of 3/8 high test chain and a delta anchor along with a snubbing system (5/8" three stranded twisted nylon).

Of Fun, Folly and the FWC

Being somewhat long in the tooth and a tad bit of a stubborn old coot, I like small government, period. I don't like city, county, state and federal potentates, cops and other revenuers poking about in my business and telling me what I can and cannot do and when I can or cannot do it - and no, I'm not going political on you!

FWC (Fish and Wildlife Commission) , is a state law enforcement branch, delegated by the Florida senate, to make sure we pay the king for the few fish we catch for our tables - it's good to be king eh?

FWC had been relegated in the past to enforcement of our fish and game laws but is now exercising general law enforcement activities - neither of which satisfy any aspect of the slogan "to Serve and Protect" but it does collect a ton of revenue from those who may speed through a manatee zone or dare drive a boat without the required permit i.e. teenagers just out kicking around the river in a small boat.

Recently FWC has been moved under the umbrella of "Homeland Security". (give it a rest guys) and now carry the full weight and power of the Federal Government - long live the king - eh?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Living the Dream

Ever wonder about living the dream? Me too.

I was reading a post on a bulletin board about a guy that has to sell his boat. It seems he wanted to “live the dream”. Only problem was, he wasn’t ready to live the dream and I’m not really sure if he was ever ready to live his dream.

I’ve been thinking about this “living the dream” and the “cruising Lifestyle” crap that seems to dominate the boating world. What the heck is it?

Bealls has a slogan in their commercial here in Florida that says something about the “Florida Lifestyle” whatever the heck that is. It seems the way to “Live the Florida Lifestyle” is to buy their clothes. Well, I kinda think it’s a marketing scheme. You know, buy our stuff and you can live a certain way.

Same thing with boats and boating. If anyone wants to live the “cruising lifestyle” or the “dream”, they have to buy stuff – lots of stuff, like boats. Oh yeah, you have to outfit it. And don’t forget you have learn how to operate the boat and of course, your boat has to have all the best stuff so your boat looks and performs better than the boat in the slip next to you. I tell you, it’s enough empty you bank account – which brings us back to my point – that was the point, emptying your bank account.

Ya see, the way I figure it, boat people living a boating lifestyle, already have boats. We have always had boats of one kind or another.

We don’t need a bottle of rum, a big party and hot model to talk us into it. Some of us live on them and sail them regularly. We go on week end and vacation cruises almost as much as we go to work. Our boats are generally up to cruising standards and well maintained. On occasion, we head down island for a little while (as far as money and vacation will allow), with every intention of heading back as soon as we can. Some of us if not most can leave the job we’re in to go sail because we can always get another one if we need to. That, to me, is “the dream” - more or less.